Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
$35 Sale!

MBTI Career Report

Personal Orders - Only Please

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Myers-Briggs®, and MBTI® are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Myers & Briggs Foundation in the United States and other countries. Strong Interest Inventory® is a trademark or registered trademark of CPP, Inc., in the United States and other countries.

Are you looking for an inventory that will match your personality to potential careers? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is

  • Most widely used personality assessment in the world – more than 2 million assessments worldwide each year.
  • Reliable, valid, versatile, and dependable - Used for more than 50 years

The results from the MBTI® produces the 16 types –

  1. ISTJ
  2. ISFJ
  3. INFJ
  4. INTJ
  5. ISTP
  6. ISFP
  7. INFP
  8. INTP
  9. ESTP
  10. ESFP
  11. ENFP
  12. ENTP
  13. ESTJ
  14. ESFJ
  15. ENFJ
  16. ENTJ

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)  Report - On Sale!

MBTI Step I™

  • Is available in an online format, takes approximately 20 minutes to complete
  • Powerful application and problem solving over a broad range of issues, from stress management to communication to innovation
  • Identifies individuals’ 4-letter Myers-Briggs personality type code (e.g. ESTJ)
  • Provides a common language for describing how individuals interact with each other and the world around them
  • Generates a variety of in-depth reports to support applications, including communication, stress management, decision-making, team dynamics and more

Cost: $35!!!

Please Note:

  • Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.
  • After completing inventory, customer will receive MBTI Report within 24 to 48 hours.


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Because of the volume of sales, all reports will be issued within 24 hours!!!!

Thank you for your patience!