4 Best Career Test Winners

From a survey, our customers selected the 4 best career tests!

Career Test Survey Results!!!!

Here are the results:

  • Destiny Decisions Making Tools - Immediate access, Easy to use, detailed results. The career tests fit with other career exploratory assessments and frameworks.
  • Explore Careers and College Majors - Easy to use, detailed results, supplemental resources
  • RIASEC Inventory - Low cost, easy to use

Destiny Decision Making Made Simple

Immediate access

The Destiny Decisions Making Tools helps you tap into your hidden potential.

You receive inspiration and motivation to explore your interests. You have access to tools to identify potential careers and training options -

  • Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.
  • Match your likes, interests to careers.
  • Find training programs that are matches to the careers that you are interested.
  • Succeed in planning a career.

This course will motivate you as you explore careers and training options.

Destiny Decision Making is immediate access and can be is used in conjunction with any Holland Codes career tests!

Explore Careers and College Majors


Explore Careers and College Majors is an online career guidance system with detail step-by-step tutorial, databases & videos.

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
  • Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Abilities/Skills, Values
  • Databases: Occupations and Colleges/ Universities

From A.W. - This was HUGELY instrumental in helping my daughter find her college and career path. We are excited for what it may do for my son as well.

RIASEC Inventory

A Quick and Easy Assessment

The RIASEC Inventory gives you a fast and informative way to explore occupations based on your interests. The inventory is a valid way to explore different career options.

Online RIASEC version -

  • Takes only 10-15 minutes to complete
  • Uses Holland’s RIASEC coding system and latest O*NET national occupational database job titles
  • Scores into six interest areas: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional

Using the RIASEC system developed by John Holland--the most widely used occupational interest coding system available.

Only $7.50!!!