Find the Top Career Quiz

Need help deciding the right Career Quiz!

Online career quizzes help you find personal interestscareer job opportunities, career job descriptions, and career search sites

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From our customer survey, decide a quiz from  two top career quizzes are -

  1. Explore Careers and College Majors - Easy to use, detailed results, supplemental resources
  2. RIASEC Inventory - Low cost, easy to use

Online Career Quiz Master List - 
Features of ALL Online Career quizzes

Ready to read about about of our career quizzes!

The features of a online career quiz are-

Explore Careers and College Majors System (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
  • Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Abilities/Skills, Values
  • Databases: Occupations and Colleges/ Universities
  • Click on this link to see FREE 10 page sample of the Guide Book!

iStart Strong Interest Inventory® (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
  • Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations

MBTI® (Form M) (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
  • Subject Area: Personality Styles, Occupations

PICS - Picture Interest Career Survey (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Children/ Reading impaired
  • Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations

Rainbow Career Finder (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Children/ Reading impaired
  • Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations

RIASEC Inventory (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: High school student, college student, adult
  • Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations
  • Cost: Low!!!

Strong Interest Inventory® (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
  • Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations

Transferable (TS) Skills Survey (Sale!)

  • Format: On-Line
  • Reading Level: Youth/ Adult
  • Subject Area: Transferable Skills, Occupations

All of the online quizzes are found on this page!

Use the links above to quickly move to different tests!

The Back to Online Career Quizzes Master List link will get you back to this section!

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Thank you for your patience!

Explore Careers and
College Majors System

Career quiz - Focus2024

Explore Careers and College Majors System is a personalized, online, interactive, self-guided career planning and college planning system.

key features of the EXPLORE CAREERS AND

The Dashboard is the control center of the Explore Careers and College Major System.

There are five sections in the Dashboard -

  • Self Assessments
  • Explore the Possibilities - Career & College Major Exploration
  • Take Action
  • Career and Education Planning Results
  • Recommended Tools & Websites

Self Assessment

Academic Strength

The Self Assessment section begins with the My Academic Strengths.

The results provide an overview of the following areas -

  • Subjects "I do very well"
  • Subjects "I do alright"
  • Subjects "I don't do well"
  • "I never took this subject"
4 Assessments

Career quizzes are also called assessments or career tests. Pick a career quiz for the four career quizzes/assessments:

  • Work Interest Assessment
  • Personality Assessment
  • Values Assessment
  • Skills Assessment

There are detailed instructions for each quiz.

Explore the Possibilities

The Explore the Possibilities is the Career Exploration, the College Major Exploration and the College Search sections of the Explore Careers and College Major System.

Career Exploration

Explore Possibilities

In the Career Exploration section,

  • You perform personalized career research.
  • You identify potential careers.
  • You begin narrowing career options.

After completing the interests, skills, personality types, and/or values quiz, you can personalized occupations to your results and click on any occupation that interests you. 

Combined results

After taking the quiz, you filter and personalize occupations by the following criteria:

  • Alphabetically
  • Job Family
  • Green Job
  • Bright Outlook
  • Salaries
  • Saved Occupations

After completing Career Exploration, you will -

  • Match Holland Codes to training programs
  • Perform personalized research to identify potential training programs
  • Use training program search web site to find potential training programs

Explore and Occupation

The Explore and Occupation section is designed to help you can access college majors or degree programs. 

One method is to click on the Explore any Occupation link. 

Click on any occupation that interests you.   Then, click on Education Requirements.

career counselor

Another college major tool is the Explore Any Major Area of Study That Interests You tool.

College Major Exploration

Click on the College Search tool to use excellent college search resources!.

Combined results

College Search options include -

  • Type of College
  • Enrollment & Costs
  • Majors Offered
  • Test Scores and Selectivity
  • Location
  • Athletics & Activities
  • Search for colleges by name

Take Action

The purpose of the Take Action section is to create a personalized road map of your academic and career development activities.  Take Action serves as an online portfolio.

The areas under the Take Action section are -

  • My Education
  • My Professional Development

My Education covers -

  • My Area of Study: Past, Current and Future
  • My Study Abroad: Past, Current and Future
  • My Awards, Research, Publications, Presentations
  • My Campus Involvement: Teams/Clubs/Leadership

My Professional Development entails topics such as -

  • My Internships: Past, Current and Future
  • My Work Experience: Past, Current and Future
  • My Volunteer / Community Service Experience: Past, Current and Future
  • My Network of Contacts
  • My Social Networking, Professional Memberships
  • Resume / Cover Letter / Other Documents

Career and Education Planning Results

Career and Education Planning Results are a summary of your personalized assessment results and saved preferences.

Combined results

 Recommended Tools & Websites

Recommended Tools & Websites include -

  • Job Boards and Internship Opportunities
  • Links to Resources - including extensive online step-by-step tutorial loaded with downloads and websites


Cost for 1 users for Explore Careers and College Major System & Online Tutorial Course

Regular Cost $100/ Special Cost $50 (Save $50!)

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istart Strong

Career Quiz - iStartStrong

Excellent for High School Students!

The iStartStrong will empower you, your students or clients to identify and pursue a career path that aligns with their interests and personality.

The report is based on results from the Strong Interest Inventory® quiz. It presents results as General Themes (based on GOTs) and Specific Interests (based on BISs) using engaging four-color graphics and provides hyperlinks to related O*NET occupations.

Designed to be used by individuals without an interpretation session, the Strong Interest Inventory report puts self-discovery into the hands of anyone seeking career direction.

This personalized report paints a clear picture of how one’s interests and themes link to various jobs, work settings, and career fields. Use it to help your clients or students expand their career options and chart a plan of action toward finding a fulfilling career.

Cost: $50/ On Sale for $45 includes access to an online career awareness & exploration course


Watch a short video below.

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Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (Sale!)


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) quiz is the most widely used online personality quiz in the world – more than 2 million assessments worldwide each year.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) types are in four groups –

  • Extraversion / Introversion
  • Sensing / Intuition
  • Thinking / Feeling
  • Judging / Perceiving

The results from the MBTI® produces the 16 types –

  1. ISTJ
  2. ISFJ
  3. INFJ
  4. INTJ
  5. ISTP
  6. ISFP
  7. INFP
  8. INTP
  9. ESTP
  10. ESFP
  11. ENFP
  12. ENTP
  13. ESTJ
  14. ESFJ
  15. ENFJ
  16. ENTJ

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) M Report (Sale)


  • Is available in print and online formats, takes approximately 20 minutes to complete
  • Powerful application and problem solving over a broad range of issues, from stress management to communication to innovation
  • Identifies individuals’ 4-letter Myers-Briggs personality type code (e.g. ESTJ)
  • Provides a common language for describing how individuals interact with each other and the world around them
  • Generates a variety of in-depth reports to support applications, including communication, stress management, decision-making, team dynamics and more

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) M Report is an ON-LINE career self assessment. 

Please Note:

  • Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.
  • After completing inventory, customer will receive Reports within 24 to 48 hours.

Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) M Report

This does not include the Strong Interest Inventory Report!

COST for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Report: $90/ Sale Price $35

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) M Career Report

The MBTI® Career Report is a career exploration tool that helps you –

  • Identify strengths and weakness that may influence the career exploration process
  • Identify job families
  • Choose a potential career
  • Select a college or other form of training
  • Provide information necessary to evaluate a possible career transition or job shift
  • Develop a career plan


The MBTI® Career Report has information on –

  • MBTI® Results – Reported Type and Clarity of Reported Preferences
  • MBTI® Types and Career Choice – preferred work environments, and action steps
  • MBTI® Types and Career Exploration – Strengths, challenges, strategies, and action steps
  • MBTI® Types and Career Development – Strengths, challenges, strategies, and action steps
  • MBTI® Types and Job Families – Job family ranking, Most attractive job families, Moderately attractive job families, Least attractive job families, Most popular occupations, Least popular occupations, and Tips for succeeding in atypical occupation.



Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report is an ONLINE, career self assessment test.

Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.

When you complete the online test, you will receive two reports.

COST for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Reports: $110/ Sale Price $90

Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report

This does not include Strong Interest Inventory report.

Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) M & Strong Interest Inventory® Reports

Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Report & Strong Interest Inventory®

Cost: $120

Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.

Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report & Strong Interest Inventory®

Cost: $140

Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.

Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report & Strong Interest Inventory® with College Interpretive Report

Cost: $160

Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.

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My Rainbow Career Finder

Kid Career Quiz Software
See Rainbow Careers!

Career Quiz - My Career Rainbow Finder features the following kid's career awareness, cutting-edge media technology products. The My Rainbow Career Finder program is an alternative to the paper and pencil RIASEC kid career tool. The program is an automated poster scoring system that automatically produces the three letter Holland Code based on the selection that the children provide. Upon completion of the report, we will send you a PDF report.

Watch overview of the My Rainbow Career Finder.

With the My Rainbow Career Finder, children sort posters according to likes and dislikes.

The automated scoring system tallies the results and generates a Holland Code.

There is no more counting, tallying, or figuring.

Kids, children, and students will enjoy making their selections and with just the click of a button.

The poster analyzer clarifies thoughts, integrates new knowledge, and promotes critical thinking. New concepts are more thoroughly and easily understood.

The my rainbow career finder organizes and analyzes information. Children -

  • See how Holland Codes are connected to careers
  • Realize how careers can be grouped and organized

The kid career software also improves –

  • Attention Span and Concentration: holds audience's attention and helps people absorb information
  • Memory Skills and Understanding: improves ability to absorb information
  • Speed of Learning: reduces the time it takes to complete career tools.

Use the my rainbow career analyzer at -

  • Schools
  • Boys and Girls Clubs
  • YMCA/ YWCA Programs
  • Afterschool Programs
  • Kids Go To Work Days
  • Career Days
  • Summer School Programs

The kid career tools are excellent career resources for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people -

Who are In ESL/GED programs

  • Who have limited reading ability
  • Who have limited knowledge of English
  • Who are developmentally delayed
  • Who are learning disabled
  • Who have special needs
  • Who have limited access to education
  • Who are chronically unemployed

Supplemental web-based resources include -

  • Holland Codes
  • Career videos
  • Career web sites

Cost for Finder, PDF Report, and supplemental web-based resources $5 On Sale for $4.00.

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PICS Career Survey

career quiz - picintsurvey1

The PICS Career Survey is a Picture Interest Tool and an easy-to-do Holland Code resource that uses 36 sets of 3 pictures as a quick way to –

  • Explore their career interests
  • Find a job that fits

The PICS Career Survey is an excellent career tool for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS and for other people -

  • Who are In ESL/GED programs
  • Who have limited reading ability
  • Who have limited knowledge of English
  • Who are developmentally delayed
  • Who are learning disabled
  • Who have special needs
  • Who have limited access to education
  • Who are chronically unemployed

The PICS Interest Test -

  • Takes less than fifteen minutes to complete and score
  • Uses pictures of people at work
  • Is self-administered and self-scored

To finish the Career Survey (PICS), you -

Look at 36 sets of 3 pictures.

Choose which of the three portrayed occupations seems most interesting.

Total the number and kind of pictures selected.

As bonuses, with each purchase, you receive the Career Locator and Career Planning Worksheet.

The Career Locator matches Holland Code interest areas to 600 careers. Careers are placed in one of the following groups – Careers that require Short Term On-the-Job-Training, Moderate Term On-the-Job-Training, Long Term On-the-Job-Training, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional Degree, and Postsecondary Vocational Training.

On the Career Planning Worksheet, you record information about education required, projected earning, job outlook, skills, and next step.

Cost:$8 On Sale for $7..50.

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RIASEC Inventory Online Version

A Quick and Easy Career Tool

RIASEC Inventory

The RIASEC Inventory gives you a fast and informative way to explore occupations based on your interests. The inventory is a valid way to explore different career options.

Online RIASEC version -

  • Takes only 10-15 minutes to complete
  • Uses Holland’s RIASEC coding system and latest O*NET national occupational database job titles
  • Scores into six interest areas: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional

Using the RIASEC system developed by John Holland--the most widely used occupational interest coding system available.

Use this inventory to identify their job interests.

Complete only 72 work activity statements.

Match results those interests to potential careers.

The Holland Code inventory, a quick and easy assessment, is perfect for job seekers who have little time to spend on testing and career exploration.

Support materials include -

  • RIASEC Administrative Guide
  • RIASEC Occupations List

Here is video that provides a RIASEC Inventory overview.

The second video tells details about the Holland Code Model.

With your purchase, you will receive an email giving access to additional videos that cover -

  • Registering RIASEC Inventory
  • Administering RIASEC Inventory
  • Exploring careers
  • Generating RIASEC Inventory Report

The cost for the online RIASEC Inventory is $7.50. On Sale for $6..50.

Please allow up to 24 hours for order processing!

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Strong Interest Inventory® (Sale!)

Strong HS

For nearly 80 years, the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment has guided thousands of individuals in exploring careers and college majors. The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment is the most respected and widely used career planning instrument in the world.

Strong interest

The Strong Interest Inventory® results include –

  • Scores on the level of interest on each of the six Holland Codes or General Occupational Themes. Holland Code Themes include – Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.
  • Scores on 25 Basic Interest Scales (e.g. art, science, and public speaking)
  • Scores on 211 Occupational Scales which indicate the similarity between the respondent's interests and those of people working in each of the 211 occupations.
  • Scores on 4 Personal Style Scales (learning, working, leadership, and risk-taking).
  • Scores on 3 Administrative Scales used to identify test errors or unusual profiles.

Profile Report

The College Profile Report covers additional information, for example –

  • Using Your Themes – Listing your Primary Theme or Holland Code
  • Considering Themes of Greatest Interest to You – Definition, Descriptions, Preferences, and Typical College Majors
  • Using Your Basic Interest Scales – Definition, Descriptions, Camps Organizations/ Activities, Internships/ Job Settings, and College Courses
  • Using Your Occupational Scales – Top Strong Occupations, Theme Code, Educational Preparation, College Courses, and Related Careers
  • Using Your Personal Style – The relationship of Personal Style Scale to Preferences and Activities

Strong HS

Adult, High School,
and College Profile Reports

The Adult, High School, and College Profile Reports have the following information –

  • General Occupational Themes – Listing Primary Theme, Holland Code, Educational Programs, Volunteer and Job Possibilities, and Work Environments
  • Basic Interest Scales – Interest level, Descriptions, Values, Careers, and Sample Work Activities


Strong Interest Inventory® is an ONLINE, Holland Code career self assessment test.

CPP requires that you receive a free consultation with your purchase.

COST for Strong Interest Inventory®: $90/ Sale Price $70

Order the Strong Interest Inventory® Report. There are three (3) editions: Standard (Adults), High School, and College.

Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.This does not include the MBTI Report!

Standard, College, or
High School Interpretive Reports

The Interpretive Report has the following additional information –

  • General Occupational ThemesGeneral Interests or Holland Codes
  • Basic Interest Scales – Specific activities you might like to do at work and in your leisure time
  • Occupational Scales – Occupational suggested by interests
  • Personal Style Scales – Your preferred styles of working and learning


Strong Interest Inventory® with Interpretive Report is an ONLINE, Holland Code career self assessment test with Interpretive Report.

COST for Strong Interest Inventory®: $110/ Sale Price $90

Order the Strong Interest Inventory® with Interpretive Report. There are three (3) editions: Standard (Adults), High School, and College.

Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.

Standard Edition for Adults with Interpretive Report This does not include the MBTI Report!

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Transferable (TS) Skills
Survey (Sale!)

Career Quiz - Transferable Skills Scale

The TS Survey is a researched and validated assessment. The TS Survey is a short assessment that identifies an individual’s strongest soft (TS) skills. The eight (8) soft (TS) Skills are:

  • Analytical
  • Numerical
  • Interpersonal
  • Organizational
  • Physical
  • Informational
  • Communicative
  • Creative skills

The benefits of the TS Survey are -

  • Complete in 20-25 minutes
  • Is easy to use
  • Has color-coded design
  • Is Self-scoring and self-interpreting
  • Can be used as both a career exploration guide and a job search strategy tool
  • Includes suggested resources for career exploration as well as a worksheet for comparing possible careers
  • Includes job titles from the most recent O*NET database
  • Can be given to groups or individuals

The TS Survey has 5 sections -

  1. Mark Your Answers
  2. Add Your Scores
  3. Interpret Your Scores
  4. Identify Occupations that Match Your Skills
  5. Explore Occupations that Match Your Skills

Order the Transferable Skills Scale

Here is video that provides a Transferable Skills Scale overview.

With your purchase, you will receive access to additional videos that cover -

  • Registering Transferable Skills Scale
  • Administering Transferable Skills Scale
  • Exploring careers
  • Generating Transferable Skills Scale

The cost for the online Transferable Skills Scale is $8. On Sale for $7.50.

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