As a student, you are looking for resources to help identify potential careers and to match those careers to the right training programs. has found the most quick, easy-to-follow, and efficient tools to navigate the career planning process.
Examples of student tests are:
Here are features of some student career tests -
RIASEC Inventory
Format: On-Line NEW!
Reading Level: High school student, college student, adult
Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations
Explore Careers and College Majors System
Format: On-Line
Reading Level: Youth/ Adult/ Children
Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Abilities/Skills, Values
Databases: Occupations and Colleges/ Universities
Self Directed Search (Form R)
Format: On-Line
Reading Level: Youth/ Adult/ Children
Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations
Strong Interest Inventory®
Format: On-Line
Reading Level: Youth/ Adult/ Children
Subject Area: Holland Codes, Interests, Occupations
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®
Format: On-Line
Reading Level: Youth/ Adult/ Children
Subject Area: MBTI, Personality, Occupations
Your Self Directed Search report includes:
With each purchase, the user receives by e-mail an identification number and password to generate a confidential, eight-to-twelve page interpretive report including information about occupations matched to Holland Codes.
Why the new SDS 5th Edition?
Here are the features for the New SDS 5th Edition -
Regular Price $25, Sale Price: $18.95/ Form R INTERNET or MOBILEVersion
Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) assessment is the most widely used personality assessment in the world –
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) types are in four groups –
The results from the MBTI® produces the 16 types –
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Report is an ON-LINE, career self assessment test. When you complete your transaction, you will receive two e-mails. The first e-mail confirms payment received. The second e-mail lists the following information:
Please Note:
When you complete the test, you will receive two reports.
COST for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Report: $70/ Sale Price $35
The MBTI® Career Report is a career exploration tool that helps you –
The MBTI® Career Report has information on –
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report is an ON-LINE, career self assessment test. When you complete your transaction, you will receive two e-mails. The first e-mail confirms payment received. The second e-mail lists the following information -
Please Note:
When you complete the test, you will receive two reports.
COST for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Reports: $90
Once you are transferred to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report web site, you enter your User Name and Password, and access to the web site is immediate.
Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report.
Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.
Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Report & Strong Interest Inventory®
Cost: $120
Please Note:
Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Career Report® & Strong Interest Inventory®
Cost: $140
Please Note:
Order the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report & Strong Interest Inventory® with Interpretive Report
Cost: $160
Please Note:
The RIASEC Inventory -
Complete only 72 work activity statements.
Match results those interests to potential careers.
Here is video that provides a RIASEC Inventory overview.
The second video tells details about the Holland Code Model.
With your purchase, you will receive access to additional videos that cover -
The cost for the online RIASEC Inventory is $7.50.
Strong Interest Inventory® (SII) Reports.
For nearly 80 years, the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment has guided thousands of individuals in exploring careers and college majors. The Strong Interest Inventory® assessment is the most respected and widely used career planning instrument in the world.
The results include –
Use the Strong Inventory® to –
The College Profile Report covers additional information, for example –
The Adult, High School, and College Profile Reports have the following information:
Strong Interest Inventory® is an ON-LINE, Holland Code career self assessment test. When you complete your transaction, you will receive two e-mails. The first e-mail confirms payment received. The second e-mail lists the following information:
COST for Strong Interest Inventory®: $70
Once you are transferred to the Strong Interest Inventory® web site, you enter your User Name and Password, and access to the web site is immediate.
Order the Strong Interest Inventory® Report. There are three (3) editions: Standard (Adults), High School, and College.
Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.
The Interpretive Report has the following additional information –
For the six Occupational Themes or Holland Codes, there are –
In the Basic Interest Scales areas, the report discusses –
The report outlines Similarity to Occupations. Similarity to Occupations highlights –
In Your Personal Style, the Interpretive Report uses the Personal Style Scale Preferences to provide suggestions about your Work Style, Learning Environment, Leadership Style, Risk Taking, and Team Orientation.
The Interpretive Report Summary provides an overview of the following -
The Interpretive Report also lists Action Steps and Helpful Resources.
Strong Interest Inventory® with Interpretive Report is an ON-LINE, Holland Code career self assessment test with Interpretive Report. When you complete your transaction, you will receive two e-mails. The first e-mail confirms payment received. The second e-mail lists the following information -
COST for Strong Interest Inventory®: $90
Once you are transferred to the Strong Interest Inventory® web site, you enter your User Name and Password, and access to the web site is immediate.
Order the Strong Interest Inventory® with Interpretive Report. There are three (3) editions: Standard (Adults), High School, and College.
Please Note: Customer will receive User ID number and assigned password by the NEXT BUSINESS DAY.
Strong Interest Inventory with Interpretive Report
Explore Careers and College Majors System is a personalized, online, interactive, self-guided career planning and college planning system.
Click on the interactive graphic to learn about the details of the Explore Careers and College Majors System.
The Dashboard is the control center of the Explore Careers and College Major System.
There are five sections in the Dashboard -
The Self Assessment section begins with the My Academic Strengths.
The results provide an overview of the following areas -
There are four assessments -
There are detailed instructions for each assessment.
The Explore the Possibilities is the Career Exploration, the College Major Exploration and the College Search sections of the Explore Careers and College Major System.
Career Exploration
In the Career Exploration section,
After completing the interests, skills, personality types, and/or values tests, you can personalized occupations to your results and click on any occupation that interests you.
Then, you filter and personalize occupations by the following criteria -
After completing Career Exploration, you will -
Explore and Occupation
The Explore and Occupation section is designed to help you can access college majors or degree programs.
One method is to click on the Explore any Occupation link.
Click on any occupation that interests you. Then, click on Education Requirements.
Another college major tool is the Explore Any Major Area of Study That Interests You tool.
College Major Exploration
Click on the College Search tool to use excellent college search resources!.
College Search options include -
The purpose of the Take Action section is to create a personalized road map of your academic and career development activities. Take Action serves as an online portfolio.
The areas under the Take Action section are -
My Education covers -
My Professional Development entails topics such as -
Career and Education Planning Results are a summary of your personalized assessment results and saved preferences.
Recommended Tools & Websites include -
Watch video about the Explore Careers and College Majors System.
Cost for one (1) user for Explore Careers and College Major System & Online Tutorial Course
Regular Cost $150/ Special Cost $99 (Save $50!)
View video about Explore Careers with College Majors Bonus Tutorial Course.
Immediate access to Online Tutorial Course!
User Name, Password and Log In Instruction will be sent in an email.