Job Search Made Simple!


Build career Test

The Build My Career Test helps you tap into your hidden potential. You receive inspiration and motivation to explore your interests. You have access to career tests tools to identify potential careers and training options.

  • Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.
  • Match your likes, interests to careers.
  • Find training programs that are matches to the careers that you are interested.
  • Succeed in planning a career.

This course will motivate you as you explore careers and training options.

Build My Career Finder has the following activities -

  • Get access career test
  • Record career test results
  • Record interest, personality, transferable skills, and values areas
  • Explore careers
  • Explore degree/ training programs
  • Explore colleges

Creative Commons Notice

Creative Commons License
Job Search Cycle by Holland Codes Resource Center is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at